Université Fairs and Trade shows

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Culinary arts or visual arts; each to their own pleasure...

Culinary arts or visual arts; each to their own pleasure...

When your taste buds are crying out for comfort and your eyes are looking for inspiration, then it’s time to take the road to Paris. This is where you will find your heart’s desire, thanks to the events, exhibitions and festivals that the capital does so well. Culinary art and visual art can both be enjoyed at the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Centre, where two excellent trade fairs will take place this autumn. You can get there in just 15 minutes from the Hotel Université.


Sculptures, shows and chocolate heaven

One of the world’s most popular foodstuffs is celebrated at the Salon du Chocolat from October 28th to November 1st, 2017. Bringing together representatives of the world’s major cocoa producing countries, the most famous chocolatiers and prestigious pâtissiers, this family-friendly trade show is sheer indulgent bliss for chocolate lovers. On the programme is chocolate sculpture, fashion parades of models wearing astonishing couture made of chocolate, as well as with live demonstrations by chefs and chocolatiers, and workshops with which you can join in. Add to this the live musical entertainment and you have an event that should not be missed!


The art and science of photography

If your tastes run more towards the visual, then you’ll want to check out the Salon de la Photo. Taking place from November 9th to 13th this trade show for photographers and photography enthusiasts will bring you up to shutter speed on the latest technological innovations, from cameras to digital imaging techniques. A wide range of products and services will be represented, including professional associations, schools, labs, accessories, publishing, printing and reproduction and much more. You can enjoy demonstrations, hands-on workshops, a sales area and, of course, exhibitions, including one featuring the work of Sebastião Salgado, the brilliant social documentary photographer and photo journalist. 


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+ 33 (0)1 42 61 09 39 reception@hoteluniversite.com
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