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The Festival du Merveilleux; experience magic every moment

The Festival du Merveilleux; experience magic every moment

The festive season is a magical time to dream. It’s the time of year when we most yearn for the joys of childhood. Those sweetly nostalgic pleasures can be yours again. Every year since 2009, the Pavillon de Bercy - Musée des Arts Forains (Museum of Fairground Arts) has presented the Festival du Merveilleux; 10 days of shows, performances and wonders. The Hotel Université tells you more...


A wonderful Christmas festival that appeals to all generations

As soon as you enter the Pavillon de Bercy, you will be transported to another world in which all the wonderful performance arts of the circus and fairground live on, untouched by the cares of modern times. You’ll think you’re dreaming as, before your very eyes, there will appear magicians, jugglers, storytellers, acrobats, tightrope walkers, musicians, puppeteers and more. All of them happy to entertain you.

The Festival du Merveilleux is also about beautiful sound, images and the latest digital technologies. Throughout the Festival du Merveilleux you can enjoy automaton ballets, optical illusions, mechanical music and 3D fantasy.


The Museum of Fairground Arts; a place of laughter and joy

In the former wine cellars of the Pavillon de Bercy there is a fantastic museum, a dreamlike world that will sweep you into its magical embrace as soon as you step through the door. This fascinating and unusual place is the Musée des Arts Forains, an interactive museum boasting an exceptional collection of rides, games, automata, art and more dating from the funfairs of the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries. It’s a cabinet of curiosities, a carnival, a theatre and a music hall... Unlike traditional museums, where you can’t touch the exhibits, here visitors are invited to experience the magic by playing with the old attractions and climbing aboard the time-lost rides. You can also enjoy tours conducted by guides-comedians to better understand this mysterious, strange, but nevertheless joyous world of the carnival of yore.



More information:

- Festival du Merveilleux

Crédit photo : Spectacle de claquettes au Magic Miror Festival du Merveilleux Musée des Arts Forains © Pavillons de Bercy

Hotel de l'Université, a charming hotel at the heart of Saint-Germain des Prés


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